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Regarding Raiding, Dungeons, and the legacy content of WOW WoTLK Classic Gold Cross-faction play is that players can find teammates from a larger number of players. Queues for automatic group finders will be reduced significantly.
This choice of freedom can have a positive effect on both PvE and PvP content, as players are able to enjoy the full benefit of any ability they want to use without being confined by their faction. For instance when a player wishes to take advantage of the Human ability, but wishes to play with their Horde buddies, they are able to quickly do so.
Why World of Warcraft Has Finally added Cross-Faction Play
Modifications similar to these to ease the rules of gameplay have been implemented in World of Warcraft before. The introduction of cross-realm games let players in different realms (not from different regions, though) to play together which meant that players didn't have to shell out money to switch realms if they were looking to play with friends in a different realm. Similar to gamers won't need to pay money for a shift in faction to Alliance as well as Horde for WoW to achieve the same result.
Blizzard Entertainment has stopped releasing subscriber numbers for the World of Warcraft's Warlords of Draenor expansion, possibly due to a sudden reduction in players, which was an action that caused much controversy. However, players are able to guess how many subscribers there is in World of Warcraft and how many of them are engaged in endgame group content.
Following the recent lawsuit and the controversy over the company, as well as conflicting opinions about World of Warcraft's latest expansioncalled World of Warcraft WotLK Classic It's likely the number of players has dropped with buy WoTLK Gold. The exact amount is hard to quantify however it is likely that the decision to add cross-faction gameplay into WoW will also be an effort to overcome the effects of a dwindling player base.