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Advocating Change

About Our Organization

On June 30th, 1998 nearly six hundred Bermudians and residents met the Bermuda College to brainstorm and recommend solutions for uprooting racism in Bermuda. These persons were divided into three racial categories: Blacks, Whites, and “Others”. After an intensive brainstorming session, all participants convened in the college gymnasium to hear extensive reports from splinter groups.


Under the general direction of a Steering Committee, those reports had been reduced to strategies by a volunteer Implementation Committee. Seven sub-committees were formed from this Implementation Committee: Economics, Spirituality/Religious Beliefs, Education, Legislation, Political, Social and Personal Responsibility. In addition to these, ‘Media’ and ‘General’ categories for action were created to accommodate other strategies and comments.


Members of the Implementation and Steering Committees met on a regular basis to review the “raw data”. They later produced the sentiments of those original participants as ‘strategies’ and ‘recommendations’.

“We believe that together we can finally make a real difference in the ongoing challenge of uprooting racism in Bermuda”

Citizens Uprooting Racism Bermuda, 1998


“We are a non-governmental organization of volunteers working to identify and dismantle racism in all its forms and to address its effects on our community.”


“A Bermuda where skin colour favours no one.”

"It is always the right time to do the right thing."

Martin Luther King Jr.

A Vision for the Future

It was hoped that other agencies (Government and non-governmental) would liaise with CURB so that available resources could be combined to achieve a common goal. CURB organisers thanked the public for their support and encouraged the community to join CURB. They also asked community members to study the strategies document and to bring it with them at the next Forum to finalise it.

At Our Core

CURB is an antiracist, interethnic movement that is beyond party politics. We have a sense of urgency and commitment to being a proactive group, dedicated to making a difference, and willing to speak out against racism at every opportunity.

Within our organisation, there is a role for every single individual in Bermuda.

The New CURB

In the November 2005 Throne Speech, the Government acknowledged that racism continued to be a divisive element in our community and pledged to assist organizations devoted to the elimination of racism in Bermuda.


Using the original contact lists from the 1998 meeting, Government's Commission for Unity and Racial Equality (CURE, now defunct and often confused with CURB) began to contact the original members from the 1998 meeting to see if they were willing to be involved in the re-launch of CURB.


People who were interested in the concept began to meet, and the new CURB met regularly, approving a Constitution and Bye-Laws and later becoming a Registered Charity. More importantly, CURB continues the fight toward the elimination of racism in Bermuda.

Waiting Room


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