Clarity in mind means clarity in content means clarity in hierarchy and structure – and structure is what Google loves. The structure is important for every good SEO strategy but Last Database especially for software businesses where we balance different products, product features, use cases, and solutions as well as new releases, tutorials and knowledgebase articles within the same website. In this article, you will learn how you can create content for the different customer avatars in an integrated system that works for SEO. We will talk about the core of your website as well as the Last Database technique of ‘siloing’ your website to create topical relevance and thus compete with high authority websites in your niche.
Giving Software Prospects & Users What They Want: The Core of Your Website When people search for your brand, come to your website by referral, or compare software Last Database products, they will typically start on your homepage. The homepage and your main navigation (header) are the centerpieces of your website. They highlight the product you are offering, the features and use cases – as well as the different parts Last Database of the website that users can navigate to. The typical software business homepage and navigation will include: Products (or product features). Solutions by need, industry, and role or task. Case studies.
About and contact page. Resources and tutorials. The purpose of these pages is mainly lead generation and conversion. They are meant for users at the middle and bottom of Last Database the funnel. This is where you will want your copywriters to create sophisticated and in-depth pages that highlight the value you are providing. Graphic by author Creating a Main Navigation That Supports Your SEO Efforts If your product has customers avatars in different Last Database industries or positions, you will want to use the product or solution pages to tailor your sales copy to their needs.